
June 29th - July 3rd

Peace be upon you, everybody! My name is Asha and I’m a hob-, I mean traveler, and this is my travel journal. It is complete with a post about the day, sidenotes of random stuff, and genius captioned photos. God Willing, I’ll be posting five days in one blog post. I know pdf blogs are a bit unconventional but its what is most convenient for me. Just click on the links in order and enjoy. Or not. I’m not forcing you to like anything, ok. But please like it 😛 Leave a comment about anything if you want. Sayyidi Family Heads West Cherry Cherry Rootbeer Float Mother Bear Draped the Sand Over Herself Like a Blanket We Zippined and Pippined it Up She’s Going to Eat My Brains in the Mall of America Tune in next week to hear about tornadoes and coming face to face with a grizzlie.